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常见问题 (FAQ)


1. What are Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)?

Stem Cells are undifferentiated (immature) cells, with the ability of self-renewal and the potential to grow into other types of cells in the body. Most adult stem cells lose these properties, as they differentiate into specialized cells, to take on specific functions in our different bodily systems. MSCs posess the potential to differentiate into a number of cell types in the mesenchymal lineage, such as bone, cartilage, tendon, fat, and muscle cells.

2. Regenerative Potential of MSCs

MSCs cultured for medical therapy are further accompanied by a host of growth factors and hormones in tow, which have the collective potential of regenerating and replacing damaged bodily cells and tissues, thus restoring vitality and functionality of bodily organs and systems. MSC therapy in clinical trials has shown much promise in ameliorating the process of aging, as well as, reversing the progression of medical diseases.

3. Where are MSCs found?

A select group of adult stem cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) can be found in certain adult tissues:

  • Bone marrow

  • Cord blood

  • Adipose (fat)

  • Placenta

  • Skin

  • Muscle

  • Liver

  • Pancreas

  • Teeth

  • Brain

  • Heart

The umbilical cord and adipose (fat) tissues present 2 rich sources of MSCs, that can be obtained relatively non-invasively.


4. Human Vs Animal or Plant Stem Cells

The biogenetic make-up of humans is decidedly distinct from other species of animals and plants. Currently, there are insufficient clinical studies to establish the efficacy of animal or plant stem cells in humans, in terms of tissue regeneration and repair. Moreover, cross infection of animal diseases is possible with the use of animal stem cells. We only advocate the use of Adult Human MSCs from adipose or umbilical cord tissues, hence also mitigating any ethical concerns of using embryogenic stem cells.


5. MSC Production

All adipose tissue/umbilical cord samples are handled by well-trained health professionals and scientists, in a highly sterile manner, using state-of-the art technologies, facilities and equipment. You will receive a certificate of Quality Assurance for your MSC therapy product.


6. MSC Infusion Procedure

This is a day care procedure:

  • Arrive 2 hours prior to scheduled infusion

  • Vital signs checking and pre-treatment preparation

  • MSC Infusion will take ~1-2hours

  • Post-Infusion, further monitoring prior to discharge

  • You are not required to fast

Prior to MSC infusion, relevant clinical investigations may be necessary, as recommended by your Doctor. Please enquire from our Doctors for more information on MSC Infusion Therapy.

7. Potential Benefits of MSC Infusion

General Benefits:

  • Improved wellness

  • Increased energy and stamina

  • Better cognition and memory

  • Increased libido

  • Reduce muscle, bone, and joint pain

  • Hair growth

  • Skin condition

Specific Medical Conditions:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

  • Aging Frailty

  • Alzheimer

  • Autoimmune Diseases

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Diabetes Mellitus (Types I&II)

  • Heart Disease and Failure

  • Intervertebral Disc Degenerative Disease

  • Motor Neuron Disease (MND)

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • Osteoarthritis (OA)

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Skin Conditions (E.g. Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis)

  • Spinal Cord Injury

  • Stroke

*More clinical data is required to affirm the above

8. Potential Risks/Side-Effects

  • Mild discomfort at injection site

  • Low-grade Fever

  • Immune reaction against allogenic MSCs (<1% risk)

*There have been no documented new or recurrent cancers in humans, as a result of hMSC therapy.

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