Bank your cells now! Contact us for more information!
As of end August 2024, we had tested 26 CBU samples from all our tanks including the earliest first CBU sample donated/terminated in each respective tank and detected live cells in all samples from each tank. In addition to your CBU for future use, we are proposing to repurpose your CBU to expand potential uses in the future at the time of need. We are in the midst of performing planned preventive maintenance, which is an industry standard, for all tanks in the facility.
Please refer to the FAQ in our website.
As of end of October 2024, we concluded this round of sampling and testing from all tanks. Based on the very limited availability of the terminated CBU samples which we could thaw to test, we sampled 36 terminated samples across all tanks and we detected live cells in all the samples tested.
We would like to highlight that this is not indicative of guaranteed quality of any sample due to individual’s variation between donors. A definitive test would require thawing of the sample, prior to use.
We reiterate as an alternative to traditional cord blood banking, in the event the child’s CBU cannot be used, we are offering to use the mononuclear cells taken from the blood of the child to produce other cell types to fight diseases including cancers and auto-immune disorders. Contact us if you need more information.

All Videos

No | Document Name | Updated Date |
1 | IPSC Depository - FAQ (ä¸æ–‡ç‰ˆ) | 22/07/2024 |
2 | IPSC Depository - FAQ | 22/07/2024 |
3 | Introduction - IPSC Depository Sdn Bhd | 22/07/2024 |